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Company details

CANPACK Recycling Sp. z o.o.

Head office
ul. Marii Konopnickiej 29 30-302 Kraków
tel: 12 377 76 35
e-mail: cprecycling@canpack.com
NIP: 531-15-83-006
Regon: 140067375
BDO: 000390375

President of the Board

Marek Kura

What we buy

One of the fields of activities of CANPACK Recycling Sp. z o.o. is purchase of used aluminum beverage cans. Purchases are conducted in one of waste collection plants located in Poland. In the waste collection plant, the aluminum can is prepared for further recycling in the aluminum smelter. Suppliers can deliver aluminum cans in bulk or briquetted on wooden pallets. Transportation may be organized by supplier, or by CANPACK Recycling Sp. z o.o. own means of transportation. Our company put a lot of effort in legality and correctness of conducted activities it has all waste collection and transportation permissions required by law.

Packaging Waste Collection Plants run by CANPACK Recycling Sp. z o.o. are part of cycle which lead to multiple usages of same material as aluminum beverage can. Can starts as sheet of aluminum produced in smelter specializing in smelting aluminum for beverage cans. Then the sheet goes to the aluminum can factory, the biggest can producer in Poland is Can Pack Group, which CANPACK Recycling Sp. z o.o. is part of.

Then, the produced aluminum can goes to the drink producer, in which the bottling plant is filled. Ready drinks go to stores, where they can be purchased by consumers. The used aluminum cans are then collected by various types of entities and sent to waste collection plants run by the CANPACK Recycling Sp. z o.o. where they are cleaned and prepared for remelting in an aluminum smelter. After melting down, the entire process can be repeated an infinite number of times. Aluminum does not lose its properties after processing.

We also conduct our activities in other countries. For more details please contact our head office via e-mail, or telephone.



Maciej Tyka
UBC Director
tel. kom. 695 271 552
e-mail: maciej.tyka@canpack.com

Tomasz Warelis 
UBC Coordination Manager
tel. kom. 695 002 064
e-mail: tomasz.warelis@canpack.com

Szymon Musiał
UBC Specialist
tel. kom. 785 920 028
e-mail: szymon.musial@canpack.com

Monika Małopolska-Zielińska
Environmental Protection and UBC Specialist
tel. kom. 695 605 445
e-mail: monika.zielinska@canpack.com

Rafał Mika
Finance and Administration Director
tel. kom. 695 270 046
e-mail: rafal.mika@canpack.com

Bożena Jackowska
Administration Specialist
tel. kom. 695 002 043
e-mail: bozena.jackowska@canpack.com

Joanna Jedynak
Administration Specialist
tel. kom. 695 120 362
tel. 12 377 76 35
e-mail: joanna.jedynak@canpack.com

Sławomir Kowalski
Administration Specialist
tel. kom. 695 120 368
tel. 12 377 76 66
e-mail: slawomir.kowalski@canpack.com


Collection Plant no.  1 Bytom
Szyby Rycerskie 4
41-909 Bytom

Tomasz Pytka
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 271 276
e-mail: tomasz.pytka@canpack.com

Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 271 534
e-mail: .

Collection Plant no.  2 Wrocław
ul. Grabiszyńska 241
53-234 Wrocław

Piotr Jaworski
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 272 181
e-mail: piotr.jaworski@canpack.com

Maryna Samailovich
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 270 970
e-mail: maryna.samailovich@canpack.com

Collection Plant no.  3 Bydgoszcz
ul. Rynkowska 19
85-503 Bydgoszcz

Beata Lepianka
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 272 119
e-mail: beata.lepianka@canpack.com

Dominika Ziołecka
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 693 650 715
e-mail: dominika.ziolecka@canpack.com

Collection Plant no.  4 Warszawa
ul. Gierdziejewskiego 5
02-495 Warszawa

Sławomir Zdunek
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 693 651 946
e-mail: slawomir.zdunek@canpack.com

Anna Sławicz
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 271 519
e-mail: anna.slawicz@canpack.com

Collection Plant no.  5 Gdańsk
ul. Budowlanych 27
80-298 Gdańsk

Adam Brzozowski
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 271 178
e-mail: adam.brzozowski@canpack.com

Klaudia Gasch
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 271 533
e-mail: klaudia.gasch@canpack.com

Collection Plant no.  6 Olsztyn
ul. Lubelska 25a
10-406 Olsztyn

Tomasz Łastowski
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 271 306
e-mail: tomasz.lastowski@canpack.com

Adrianna Pajek
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 271 536
e-mail: adrianna.pajek@canpack.com

Collection Plant no. 7 Poznań
ul. Topolowa 1
64-530 Pólko

Kamil Kasprzak
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 693 651 082
e-mail: kamil.kasprzak@canpack.com

Sławomira Pytel
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 663 880 225
e-mail: slawomira.pytel@canpack.com

Collection Plant no.  8 Lublin
ul. Turystyczna 32
20-207 Lublin

Tomasz Malesa
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 001 227
e-mail: tomasz.malesa@canpack.com

Kamila Jachimowska
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 001 957
e-mail: kamila.jachimowska@canpack.com

Collection Plant no. 9 Tarnów
ul. Giełdowa 26
33-100 Tarnów

Paweł Zając
Collection Center Manager
tel. kom. 695 001 025
e-mail: pawel.zajac@canpack.com

Teresa Kubik
Collection Center Assistant
tel. kom. 695 001 473
e-mail: teresa.kubik@canpack.com

Personal data protection

